Friday, June 25, 2010

Flick: Kick-Ass

hoyeah! I just watched it last night and I can't get enough of it! I'm soOOOoooo lame *FAIL* I should have watched it ages ago T____T good thing my cousin brought the DVD last night wooohoooo!

I love the story, I felt the same way as Dave, I did wondered about what he said like being a superhero on your own. NO Radio-Active-Insect-Biting-you-In-The-Hand, NO Swallowing-Stone-shouting-Darna!-Spinning-like-crazy before you transform, and NO super-Billionaire-Guy with the Bat mobile thing, just help others on your own humanly power! You don't have to wear a stupid super tight butt-hugging costume like Dave did, just help people whenever they need your help, you being concern is all that matters! woohoo!

But still, it would be
SUUUPPPPEEEERRR AWESOME to have someone like Kick-Ass, Big Daddy and Hit girl for real. *faints* especially Hit Girl Dang! I'm in love with that kid *laughs*

HIT GIRL ROCKS!!!! (I wish someone would Cosplay them)
*fangirl mode*


Deviant art

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